Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools
In the lesson, students analyze the images generated by the AI and try to figure out what poem/human song they were generated from. They then use an available tool to generate images from their chosen text. You can do this lesson exactly as instructed, or use it for inspiration and transfer this simple principle to any literary work.
45 minutes
The lesson can be used in both lower elementary and middle school grades - depending on the literary unit.Grades 6-9 elementary and middle school, 45 minutes.
Educator: projector/screen, presentation. Pupils: digital devices with internet access for each group.
Thanks to image generation applications, text can be represented visually based on the description.
Develops critical thinking and understanding of literary formations through analysis of poems and images.
They identify key words, themes and features of a literary unit and in a picture.
They generate pictures based on text and evaluate whether they match the content.
RVP ZV - Czech language and literature:
ČJL-9-3-01 comprehensively reproduces a read text, simply describes the structure and language of a literary work, and interprets the meaning of the work in his/her own words
ČJL-9-1-08 uses the basics of study reading - locates key words, formulates the main ideas of the text, creates questions and brief notes, extracts or excerpts from the read text; independently prepares and presents a paper
with support from a text CJL-9-1-07 engages in, directs, and uses principles of communication and rules of dialogue
RVP ZV - Computer Science: data, information and modelling
I-9-1-01 obtains information from data, interprets data, detects errors in other people's interpretations of data
RVP G - Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology
Uses available information network services to search for information, to communicate, to self-learn and to work as a team.
RVP G - Czech Language and Literature
The pupil describes specific means of poetic language using concrete examples and explains their function in the text.
The pupil applies a thorough knowledge of the structure of a literary text, literary genres and literary terms when interpreting a literary text in all its contexts.
Analysis: pupils analyse how the pictures match the text of the poem.
Creation: they create their own literary content and its visual representation using AI.
Use and engagement
information and communication
5-D-I AI for social good (democratization of artificial intelligence)