Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI and the development of digital comptence

Media education V

Synthetic reality (deepfakes)

Synthetic reality (deepfakes)

In this lesson, we focus on advanced digital manipulation using artificial intelligence. The use of these technologies brings many positives, but also questions. The ability to create persuasive, computer-generated synthetic media such as text, images, videos, or audio sheds new light on concepts such as trust, truth, and objectivity. We illustrate the whole issue with the topic of synthetic influencers.

Information about lessons


45-90 minutes

Vintages or preconceptions

8. and 9. primary school grades and secondary school grades

Building stones

Synthetic reality, deepfakes


Educator: projection equipment, presentation, access to internet.
Students: Worksheets and writing utensils.

What pupils learn

Generative artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing the way digital is manipulated.
Synthetic reality is a space in which it is very difficult to discern what has been created by humans and what has been created by computers.

Why is it taught

They critically evaluate the content offered to them in the online space.

How do we know if they've learned

They will describe the positives and negatives of synthetic reality.

Outputs of the RVP

RVP Outcomes - Informatics
I-9-4-05 can direct his/her activities to minimize the risk of data loss or misuse;

RVP Outcomes - Education for Citizenship
VO-9-1-03 takes a critical approach to media information, expresses his/her attitude towards the effect of propaganda and advertising on public opinion and people's behaviour

RVP Outcomes G - Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology
It organises data efficiently and protects it against damage or misuse.

RVP Outcomes G - Civic and social science foundation
Explains the nature of some contemporary social problems and describes the possible effects of socially pathological behaviour on individuals and society.

Bloom's taxonomy

Memorization: Students will explain the concepts of synthetic reality and deepfake.
Analysis: They will analyze the ethical dilemmas and social impacts of AI influencers.

Digital competences

Contribution and development

Five Big Ideas

5-B-II AI and culture (trust and accountability)

Methodological material

Version: 05
Number of pilots: 04
Last update: 01/25

Author: Eva Nečasová
Methodological consultant: Tomáš Titěra
Methodological guarantors: Martin Volný, Petr Vraný, Pavel Žalský
Expert guarantors: Pavel Kordík, Tomáš Mlynář
Language proofreading: Marcela Wimmerová