Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI in Informatics at Secondary and Secondary School

Machine learning with teacher

Card 02 from the Machine Learning deck

Machine learning with a teacher

Machines, like humans, can learn from examples. They use a method called machine learning with a teacher to do this. In simple terms, this means that we don't have to give the machines exact instructions, or if you prefer, a procedure (algorithm). Instead, we show them examples from which they learn to perform different tasks themselves.

Information about lessons


45-90 minutes

Vintages or preconceptions

2. primary school level and multi-year grammar schools


Educator: projection equipment and presentations.
Pupils: Computer, laptop or tablet (but not Android) for each student or group and downloaded pictures of aliens.

Building stones

Machine learning with a teacher

What pupils learn

Machine learning with a tutor (for classification tasks) is a method in which an artificial intelligence program learns to recognize new data based on a prepared dataset.

Why is it taught

Goal for the Machine Learning deck of cards: Critically assess the decision making of AI systems.

How do we know if they've learned

They train a machine learning model for image recognition.

Outputs of the RVP

Data, Information, and Modeling
I-9-1-04 assesses whether the model has all the data needed to solve the problem; locates the error in the model and corrects it

Bloom's taxonomy

Understanding: Students understand how machine learning with Teachable Machine works and what tasks it can solve.
Application: They use Teachable Machine to annotate and train a model for image recognition.
Analysis: They analyze how the model identifies and classifies images and what attributes are key to decision making.

Digital competences

Information and communication

Five Big Ideas

3-A-II Essence of learning (finding patterns in data)
3-A-III Essence of learning (model training)
3-C-I Datasets (feature sets)

Methodological material

Version: 05
Number of pilots: 06
Last update: 01/25

Authors: Radek Špáta and Eva Nečasová
Methodological consultants: Pet'a Dovhunová, Ondra Brém
Expert guarantors: Pavel Kordík, Tomáš Mlynář
Language proofreading: Marcela Wimmerová