Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI in Informatics at the 1st level

The robots have robopoeia

Ambient Intelligence
Lessons 09

Ambient intelligence

The robots Ju and Pi will get a robo-poet. His name is Reminder and is always available as a helpful assistant. He just doesn't always do the things he should! In this lesson, the children learn about what's called ambient intelligence - a concept that connects the Internet of Things, the smart devices around us that are connected to the Internet, with artificial intelligence. It's a world in which technology is an imperceptible part of our everyday lives. We will reflect with the children on the positives and challenges this brings with them.

How the lesson works

The lesson begins with a story in which the robots Ju and Pi acquire a robo-poet, Reminder, to help them remember their tasks. The children think about how it might work and all the things it should be able to do. The teacher leads a discussion about what ambient intelligence is - technologies that are subtly becoming part of our everyday lives. This is followed by a hands-on activity in which students work in groups to design their own smart devices using ambient intelligence and brainstorm how they could help people. In the next session, children learn about the possible risks of these technologies, such as collecting personal data, and discuss how to make them safe and useful. The lesson ends with a reflection, where pupils present their designs, share their findings and reflect on the benefits and challenges of linking AI to everyday life.

Information about lessons

Subsidies and years

45-90 minutes, grades 3-5 Elementary school


Educator: projection equipment and presentation to show
Students: writing utensils and printed worksheets (one per group)

Building stones

Ambient intelligence

What pupils learn

Ambient intelligence is the AI hidden in the things we use every day. It can be an enabler, but it comes with ethical and security issues.

Why is it taught

Based on their understanding of the concept of ambient intelligence, they critically assess the functioning of artificial intelligence systems.

How do we know if they've learned

They will explain in their own words the concept of ambient intelligence, give examples of its benefits. They will define ethical and security challenges.

Outputs of the RVP

Computer Science:
Data, Information, and Modeling
I-5-1-01 gives examples of data that surround him/her that can help him/her make better decisions; articulates answers to questions about him/her based on data

Digital competences

Benefits and development - understands the importance of digital technologies for human society, learns about new technologies, critically evaluates their benefits and reflects on the risks of their use.

Bloom's taxonomy

Understanding: Students will explain the term ambient intelligence.
Creation: They will create their own design for a device using ambient intelligence.

Five Big Ideas

5-D-II AI for social good (using AI to solve social problems)
5-B-I AI and culture (AI in everyday life)
5-A-II Ethical AI (ethical design criteria)

Methodological material

Version: 03
Number of pilots: 02
Last update: 01/2025

Author: Bára Karpíšková
Concept: Eva Nečasová
Guarantors: Zbyněk Filipi, Tomáš Mlynář, Pavel Kordík
Artwork: Jindra Janíček
Language correction: Marcela Wimmerová