Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI in Informatics at the 1st level

Ju and Pi in the universe of words

Language Models
Lessons 08

Language models

Ju and Pi found themselves today in a vast and somewhat mysterious universe of words. Each word has its own place here, and is surrounded by many other words that are somehow related. And, as it turns out, even ordinary word-clubs can get the circuits pretty tangled! Their mission? To help Cat Cat, who is looking sad, and find out what can cheer her up. And they may also discover that the most important thing is not just choosing the right words, but how and to whom we dedicate them.

How the lesson works

The lesson begins with a story in which the robots Ju and Pi find themselves in a "universe of words" - a vast space where every word has its place and is related to other words. Their task is to find out why their cat, Puss, is sad, and they try to find the answer using a language model. The teacher leads a discussion about how language models work - that they learn from large amounts of text and generate answers based on the probability of words occurring. Children try a simple game of adding words to a story, where they recognise that different choices can lead to different meanings. In a hands-on activity, they create their own "word universe" where they connect pictures and words according to their proximity in meaning, learning the principles of how language models organize information. If there is time left over, the lesson continues by experimenting with a chatbot, where students check how the models generate responses and discuss why they may sometimes produce nonsensical or incorrect sentences. Finally, children reflect on their knowledge of language models, their possibilities and limitations, and realize the importance of critical thinking when working with generative AI.

Information about lessons

Subsidies and years

45-90 minutes, grades 3-5 Elementary school


Teacher: projection equipment, presentation to show, account in text generating application
Students: writing utensils, glue, quarter, printed worksheets

Building stones

Language model

What pupils learn

A language model is a program that has learned from many texts how people communicate. But sometimes it generates the wrong things.

Why is it taught

Based on their understanding of how language models work, they critically assess the outputs of generative intelligence.

How do we know if they've learned

They will describe in their own words how the language model works and explain why it can generate incorrect things.

Outputs of the RVP

Data, Information, Modeling:
I-5-1-03 reads information from the given model

Digital competences

Benefits and development - understands the importance of digital technologies for human society, learns about new technologies, critically evaluates their benefits and reflects on the risks of their use.

Bloom's taxonomy

Understanding: students will describe the principle of a language model and explain why it can generate incorrect things.
Creating: they will create their simplified model.

Five Big Ideas

4-B-I Common sense reasoning

Methodological material

Version: 04
Number of pilots: 01
Last update: 01/2025

Author: Bára Karpíšková
Concept: Eva Nečasová
Guarantors: Zbyněk Filipi, Tomáš Mlynář, Pavel Kordík
Artwork: Jindra Janíček
Language correction: Marcela Wimmerová