Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI in Informatics at the 1st level

Robots Ju and Pi introduce themselves

Perception and learning
Lessons 01

Perception and learning

The robots Ju and Pi are programmed to want to learn new things all the time! But what does it mean to learn? And how do humans and robots learn? Neither humans nor machines could learn unless they could perceive. And we already know that humans use sensory organs, machines use sensors.

How the lesson works

The lesson begins with an introduction to the robots Ju and Pi, which help children understand the principles of perception and learning. The teacher starts a discussion about human senses and their importance, then the children match each sense with the corresponding sensors used by the machines. This is followed by an interactive session where children work with worksheets and complete tasks aimed at understanding the differences between human perception and computer sensors. Meanwhile, the robots Ju and Pi present children with entertaining scenarios that show how machines interpret the world differently from humans. The lesson also includes a group activity where pupils discuss how technology can help people and come up with their own examples of how sensors are used in everyday life. The lesson ends with a reflection, where children summarise their findings and reflect on what capabilities humans have compared to machines and vice versa.

Information about lessons

Subsidies and years

45-90 minutes, grades 3-5 Elementary school


Teacher: printed worksheets and presentation to show
Students: writing utensils

Building stones

Human senses, sensors

What pupils learn

Humans perceive with their senses, machines with sensors.

Why is it taught

Understanding how they perceive machines is important for understanding the downstream learning.

How do we know if they've learned

Students will describe the differences in perception between humans and machines. They will list the positive benefits of technology for the individual or society.

Outputs of the RVP

Computer Science: digital technologies
I-9-4-01 describes how a computer works in terms of hardware and operating system; discusses the workings of digital technologies that set trends in the world

Digital competences

Contribution and development - understands the importance of digital technologies for human society, learns about new technologies, critically evaluates their benefits and reflects on the risks of their use.

Bloom's taxonomy

Understanding: Students learn the differences between human senses and machine sensors and their functions.
Analysis: Students analyze and evaluate how technologies mimic human senses and how they can be used to solve specific problems.

Five Big Ideas

1-A-II computer sensors
3-A-I humans vs. machines
5-D-II using AI to solve societal problems

Methodological material

Version: 10
Number of pilotages: 16
Last update: 01/25

Author: Bára Karpíšková
Concept: Eva Nečasová
Guarantors: Cyril Brom, Zbyněk Filipi, Tomáš Mlynář, Pavel Kordík
Artwork: Jindra Janíček
Language correction: Marcela Wimmerová