Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI in Informatics at Level 2

William & Meriwether

An interactive story to understand the basics of machine learning

Interactive story William & Meriwether

William & Meriwether is an interactive story for understanding the basics of artificial intelligence and machine learning. We recommend using it as an introduction to AI in the classroom. The story has been tested with 650 children in grades 4-9, however, we recommend educators to implement it with older children - starting in grade 6 in elementary school (there is not as much difference in skills between children).

Information about lessons


3×45 minutes

Vintages or preconceptions

6.-9th grades Primary school


Teacher: Worksheets, projection equipment
Students: Computer or laptop or tablet (but not with Android OS)

Educational objectives

1) Students will give specific examples of data.
2) They will describe the devices used to collect the data.
3) They will define the concept of machine learning with a teacher.
4) They will explain the concept of bias.

Outputs of the RVP

I-9-1-01 extracts information from data, interprets the data, and detects errors in others' interpretations of the data
I-9-1-02 designs and compares different ways of encoding data with the goal of storing and transmitting it
I-9-4-01 discusses the operation of digital technologies that determine trends in the world

Bloom's taxonomy

Understanding: students explain the concepts of data, dataset, bias, Lidar and GPS.
Applications Train a second machine learning model in the Teachable Machine application.
Analysis: Analyze the data in the context of bias. They identify specific examples of real-world applications of machine learning. Assessment: assess the ethical aspects of bias. They compare different approaches to encoding data for optimal storage and transmission.

Digital competences

is proficient with commonly used digital devices, applications and services;
uses them for learning and for engaging in school and society;
understands the importance of digital technologies for human society, learns about new technologies

Methodological material

Version: 04
Number of pilots: 26
Last update: 01/25

Story and illustrations by Jindřich Janíček, Tat'ána Rubášová

Educational concept, game tasks, web design, methodologies: Eva Nečasová

Game development in Godot Engine, technical support by Ondra Foltýn

Expert guarantors Pavel Kordík, Mikuláš Zelinka, Rado Lupták, Ondra Lukáš, Lucie Borovičková, Bertík Ullrich, Antonín Král, Ondra Foltýn, Iva Loužecká, Eliška Fílová, Vojta Jindra, Vojta Cahlík, David Mlčoch

Methodological consultant: Anička Babanová
RVP outputs supplemented: Anička Drobná
Language correction: Marcela Wimmerová

Thank you to the publishing house Labyrinth and the magazine Raketa.