Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI and the development of digital comptence

History (ZSV)

Causes and obstacles to the formation of the European Union

Causes and obstacles to the formation of the European Union

The aim of the lesson is to show students how to use the chatbot effectively in the study of history, specifically on the topic of the causes and obstacles to the creation of the European Union. It emphasises critical reflection on the output and validation of the answers generated.

Information about lessons


45 minutes

Vintages or preconceptions

3. and 4. SŠ year


Teacher: projection equipment, presentation to project
Students: computer, mobile phone or tablet for each group, connection to internet, worksheet with sources

What pupils learn

The reasons for the creation of the European Union were historical, economic and political.
Not only historical sources but also generative artificial intelligence can be used to understand the historical context.

Why is it taught

They will give specific historical, economic and political reasons for the creation of the EU.
Critically evaluate the outputs generated by the chatbot.

How do we know if they've learned

They will give specific historical, economic and political reasons for the creation of the European Union.
They critically reflect on the outputs generated by the chatbot.

Outputs of the RVP

RVP Outcomes G - Informatics and information and communication technologies
Uses available information network services to search for information, to communicate, to self-learn and teamwork

RVP Outcomes G - History
The student will explain the basic problems of the internal development of the Western and Eastern Bloc countries; in particular, he/she will focus on understanding the internal development and interrelationships of the superpowers USA, USSR and the situation in Central Europe and in our country.

Outcomes of the RVP for grammar schools - Civic and social sciences
Pupils will explain the reasons for European integration, assess its importance for the development of Europe

Bloom's taxonomy

Comprehension: students explain and interpret the historical context and reasons that led to the creation of the EU.
Evaluation: they evaluate the relevance, accuracy and usefulness of the chatbot output.
Creation: they formulate their own questions for the chatbot based on the materials they have studied.

Digital competences

Utilization and engagement
information and communication
benefit and development

Five Big Ideas

5-D-I AI for social good (democratization of artificial intelligence)

Methodological material

Version: 06
Number of pilots: 06
Last update: 01/25

Author: Václav Sixta
Methodological guarantors: Pet'a Dovhnunová, Pavel Žalský, Tatiana Tupá Bírešová, Martin Volný
Expert guarantors: Pavel Kordík, Eva Nečasová
Language proofreading: Marcela Wimmerová