Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools
The aim of this activity is to introduce students to the role of smart technologies (often based on artificial intelligence) in agriculture. Today (and increasingly in the future), these technologies allow us to move towards greener agriculture. At the same time, they are also more demanding on resources such as electricity. Beyond the topic of smart technologies, students also learn about types of soil and crops that are suitable to grow on them, along with their properties.
This lesson is based on an activity in which
students play the Smart Farming Simulator (SFM) board game. Please print all parts before the lesson.
90 minutes
2nd grade elementary schools
Educator: projection device, presentation to project
For each group of pupils (4 children):
1× dice
1× land map
4× info sheet (for each)
2× set of crop cards
2× set of technology cards
4× ledger
Smart technologies can contribute to greener farming.
Different crops require different cultivation methods.
By understanding the positives of using smart technologies in agriculture, they are thinking more comprehensively about a sustainable future.
They will give examples of the use of smart technologies in agriculture.
They will list the types of soils in the Czech Republic.
Z-9-2-03 distinguishes and compares the components and elements of the natural sphere, their interrelationship and conditioning, recognizes, names and classifies the shapes of the Earth's surface
Memorization: Students will list soil types and ways to use smart technology in agriculture.
Application: Students apply the knowledge gained during the game, making decisions about the use of technologies and considering their impacts on yields.
Analysis: Students analyze the results of game decisions, exploring the connections between soil types, crops, technologies, and their effectiveness in addressing global challenges.
Contribution and development
5-C-I AI and the economy (impacts of AI on different societal areas)