Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools
The aim is to show students a fun way to expand their vocabulary in English. They work with the tool Infinite Craft, they write down unfamiliar English words along with their translation and from selected ones create a short story in English about 120 words using the DeepL Write app.
45 minutes
Grades 6-9 elementary school and middle school
Teacher: presentation to show, projection device
Students: worksheet, writing utensils and digital device with internet access
Chatbots and similar apps can be used for learning a foreign language.
They actively develop their vocabulary in English.
Pupils combine the words they have learnt in Infinite Craft in sentences.
RVP ZV - Foreign Language
CJ-5-3-02 understands simple short texts from everyday life, especially if they have visual support
RVP ZV - Informatics
I-9-1-01 obtains information from data, interprets data, detects errors in others' interpretations of data.
RVP G - Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology
Uses available information network services to search for information, to communicate, to self-learn and to work as a team.
RVP G - Foreign Language
Pupils infer the meaning of unfamiliar words on the basis of already acquired vocabulary, context, knowledge of word formation and internationalisms.
Memorization: Students summarize new English words.
Application: They combine words to create new words.
Creation: They create a short story using DeepL Write.
Usage and wiring
4-A-I Natural language (language structure)