Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI and the development of digital comptence

English language 01

Ethical and moral dilemmas

Ethical and moral dilemmas

In this lesson, students interact independently with chatbot Miza in English. We configured this chatbot to focus on three ethical and moral dilemmas that we felt were relevant to the students. Chatbots can be good helpers in foreign language learning. You can use this lesson exactly as is or use this simple principle on any topic.

Information about lessons


45-90 minutes

Vintages or preconceptions

English level A2 or higher
8. and 9. year, high school


Teacher: Projection device
Students: mobile phone or tablet for each student

What pupils learn

Discussions with a chatbot can analyse ethical and moral dilemmas and develop the ability to argue and express oneself in a foreign language.

Why is it taught

Develops critical thinking and ability to express themselves on complex issues in a foreign language. Evaluate the appropriateness of using AI tools in the learning process.

How do we know if they've learned

Students identify and describe ethical dilemmas associated with real-life situations. They formulate their opinions and defend them in English and in interaction with a chatbot.

Outputs of the RVP

English language:
CJ-9-4-03 responds to simple written communication
CJ-9-2-01 asks for basic information and responds appropriately in common formal and informal situations

Bloom's taxonomy

Understanding: students explain the concepts of ethical dilemmas using concrete examples.
Analysis: students break down ethical dilemmas into key aspects and evaluate different perspectives.

Digital competences

Utilization and engagement
efficiency and innovation

Five Big Ideas

5-D-I AI for social good (democratization of artificial intelligence)

Methodological material

Version: 05
Number of pilots: 03
Last update: 01/25

Author: Jana Tabášková
Methodological consultant: Pet'a Dovhunová
Methodological guarantors: Zuzana Majíčková, Karoline Němcová Růžičková
Expert guarantor: Eva Nečasová
Language proofreading: Marcela Wimmerová