Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI in Informatics at Secondary and Secondary School

Data interpretation using chatbots

Card 02 from the Data pack

Google Trends and chatbots

The ability of chatbots to infer or, if you like, "understand" certain problems is steadily increasing, and this trend can be expected to continue in the future. Therefore, it is a good idea to focus on their practical use. And that is what this lesson is about. As in the previous tab (Big Data), we will use Google Trends as a data source and have these interpreted by various chatbots. We will then critically examine their output and validate it.

Information about lessons


45-90 minutes

Vintages or preconceptions

8. and 9. Primary school grades and Secondary school grades


Educator: projection equipment, presentation to project
Students: digital device for student or pair.

Building stones

Data interpretation

What pupils learn

The data can also be interpreted by a chatbot.

Why is it taught

Develops critical thinking and ability to analyze and interpret phenomena.

How do we know if they've learned

They use a chatbot to interpret data from Google Trends.
They critically examine and verify the machine interpretation.

Outputs of the RVP

Computer Science:
I-9-1-01 extracts information from data, interprets data, detects errors in others' interpretations of data

Bloom's taxonomy

Comprehension: Students compare and interpret graphical representations based on big data.
Analysis: Students analyze visualizations of big data.
Assessment: Critically assesses machine interpretation of data.

Digital competences

Information and communication: acquires, retrieves, critically assesses, manages and shares data, information and digital content; to do so, chooses processes, methods and resources that are appropriate to the specific situation and purpose
use and engagement: characterises the digital resources they use in their learning; also uses personal digital devices to learn 

Five Big Ideas

3-A-II The nature of learning (finding patterns in data)

Methodological material

Version: 04
Number of pilots: 03
Last update: 01/25

Author: Radek Špáta
Methodological consultant: Eva Nečasová
Expert guarantors: Tomáš Mlynář, Pavel Kordík
Language proofreading: Marcela Wimmerová