Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools
In this methodology, you will find instructions on how to conduct a hackathon - an action in which you and pupils create AI assistants who can not only help pupils with their learning, for example, but also help you in preparing for classes or running the school in administration. The aim of the hackathon is to teach pupils how to create useful AI assistants. It is a skill that they will surely use in the future.
4×45 minutes or 2×90 minutes
8. and 9. grades of elementary school and high school, students have ideally previously implemented the activity with worksheets Chatbots in the classroom
Educator: projection equipment, slides, whiteboard and flipchart
Students: paid ChatGPT license and device for each group, writing utensils, post-it notes and worksheet
AI assistants help with specific tasks for which they were created and can be an asset in the learning process.
They learn methods and strategies for effective and meaningful learning.
They will create, test and modify the AI assistant.
Data, Information, and Modeling:
I-9-1-04 assesses whether the model has all the data needed to solve the problem; locates errors in the model and corrects them
Digital Technology:
I-9-4-02 stores and manages its data in an appropriate format with consideration for further processing or transfer
Outcomes of RVP G - Informatics and information and communication technologies
Oriented in possibilities of application of ICT in various areas of social cognition and practice. Applies an algorithmic approach to problem solving.
The activity can be linked to outcomes of many subjects.
Comprehension: Students understand the difference between a regular chatbot dialogue and AI assistant
Assessment: Assess the functioning of an AI assistant.
Creation: They will design and create an AI assistant.
Use and Engagement:
operates commonly used digital devices, applications and services; uses them for learning and for engaging in school and society; makes independent decisions about which technologies to use for which activities or problems
5-D-II AI for social good (using AI to solve societal problems)