Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI and the development of digital comptence

Chemistry 01

Guess the chemical elements!

Guess the chemical elements!

In this lesson, students use chatbots to review and gain new knowledge about the properties of the elements of the periodic table. At the same time, chatbots are ready to offer information on each element, which pupils verify from reliable sources. The lesson develops pupils' reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. It emphasizes verification of the information generated by the chatbot.

Information about lessons


45 minutes

Vintages or preconceptions

8. and 9. grades of primary school


Educator: projection equipment, presentation to to show
Students: worksheet, writing materials, chemistry textbook, periodic table of elements

What pupils learn

Chemical elements have certain properties and uses.
Chatbots can be a tool for work and learning, but sometimes they generate incorrect information.

Why is it taught

They learn methods and strategies for effective and meaningful learning, critically assess and evaluate machine output.

How do we know if they've learned

They analyse the functionality of chatbots, compare their outputs and critically assess the accuracy of the information provided.

Outputs of the RVP

Computer Science: data, information, and modeling
I-9-1-01 extracts information from data, interprets data, and detects errors in others' interpretations of data

CH-9-3-01 uses the terms atom and molecule, element, and compound in the correct context.
CH-9-3-02 navigates the periodic table of the chemical elements, identifies selected metals and nonmetals, and inferences about their possible properties.

Bloom's taxonomy

Memorization: Students practice and reinforce their knowledge of chemical elements and basic concepts related to chemical properties.
Analysis: They analyze the quality of the chatbot's output and distinguish between true and false information.
Evaluation: They evaluate the relevance and accuracy of the information provided by the chatbot and discuss its meaningfulness.

Digital competences

Use and engagement
information and communication

Five Big Ideas

5-B-I AI and culture (AI in everyday life)

Methodological material

Version: 04
Number of pilots: 02
Last update: 01/25

Author: Kačka Čiháková
Methodological consultant: Eva Nečasová
Methodological guarantor: Hana Mahnelová
Expert guarantors: Tomáš Mlynář, Pavel Kordík
Language proofreading: Marcela Wimmerová