Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools


Chatbots in education

Worksheets for pupils and methodological support for teachers

Chatbots in education

Chatbots are like millions of personalities with millions of expertise. They bring many opportunities for more effective learning, but they also place greater demands on critical thinking. Working with chatbots is a skill that needs to be systematically developed. This is exactly what this material is designed to do - it aims to provide you with methodological support and at the same time a basis that you can bring into the classroom in the form of worksheets.

Information about lessons


It depends on your concept of the lesson

Vintages or preconceptions

8. and 9. primary school grades and secondary school grades


Teacher: projection equipment and presentation
Students: printed worksheets and equipment for each student

What pupils learn

Chatbots can be an aid to work and learning, but sometimes they generate incorrect information. Therefore, it is important to reflect on their output and verify the information.

Why is it taught

Develops competence to learn, critical thinking and reading comprehension.

How do we know if they've learned

Students analyze the strengths and weaknesses of chatbots, explore effective ways to use them, and reflect on the importance of ethical principles when working with them.

Outputs of the RVP

Computer Science: data, information, and modeling
I-9-1-01 extract information from data, interpret data, and detect errors in others' interpretations of data

Czech language:
ČJL-3-1-01 reads fluently with comprehension texts of appropriate length and complexity
ČJL-3-1-10 writes simple messages correctly in terms of content and form

RVP Outcomes G - Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology
Uses available information network services to search for information, to communicate, to self-learn and to collaborate as a team.

Bloom's taxonomy

Analysis: Students analyze the quality of the chatbot's output.
Evaluation: They evaluate the quality of the chatbot's output.
Creation: They create prompts for the chatbot.

Digital competences

Utilization and engagement
Information and communication
Creation and expression
Efficiency and innovation

Five Big Ideas

5-B-I AI and culture (AI in everyday life)

Methodological material

Version: 05
Number of pilots: 03
Last update: 01/25

Author: Eva Nečasová
Expert guarantors: Tomáš Mlynář, Pavel Kordík
Language correction: not yet done