Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

Project methodology

AI tools in Canva

A more beautiful school

A more beautiful school

In this methodology you will find guidance on how to involve pupils in making suggestions that can improve your school environment. The activity encourages the development of teamwork, visual thinking and digital competence. Through this activity, students can learn how to visualize their ideas and turn them into concrete designs that can have a real impact on their environment. We believe that this skill will be beneficial for children not only in school but also in their future life.

Information about lessons


The subsidy depends on your understanding of the methodology.

Vintages or preconceptions

Grades 6-9 Primary school and Secondary school


Educator: projection equipment, copy of Canva board A More Beautiful School
Students: Device with camera, tablet/laptop/PC (for each student or group)

What pupils learn

The Canva application can serve as an effective tool for creating and presentations.

Why is it taught

They become more aware of their environment and actively shape it through technology.

How do we know if they've learned

Using the AI features in , Canva will edit the photo.

RVP Outcomes - Informatics

Digital technology:
I-9-4-02 stores and manages its data in an appropriate format with  regard to further processing or transmission

Bloom's taxonomy

Understanding: Students learn the basic principles of working in the digital environment of Canva.
Application: They use Canva features to design and present.
Evaluation: They evaluate the quality and feasibility of a design.
Creation: They create designs and present them, including a description, schedule, and cost estimate.

Digital competences

Usage and wiring

Five Big Ideas

5-D-II AI for social good (using AI to solve societal problems)

Methodological material

Version: 01
Number of pilots: 01
Last update: 01/25

Prepared by: Bára Karpíšková, Eva Nečasová
Expert guarantor: Pavel Kordík
Language correction: not yet done