Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI in Informatics at the 1st level

Robots with heads in the clouds

Data and cloud
Lessons 04

Data and cloud

Ju and Pi sometimes dream with their heads in the clouds, and then they see many unexpected things from which they can learn. We humans call them data. They can be in the form of pictures, texts, videos, audio or even 3D objects. Often this data is stored in what is called the cloud.

How the lesson works

The lesson begins with the story of the robots Ju and Pi, who connect to the cloud and suddenly have access to vast amounts of data. The children reflect on what data is, where it is located and what form it can exist in. The teacher leads a discussion about different types of data, such as text, images, videos, sounds or 3D objects, and pupils brainstorm what data might look like to describe different things around them. In a hands-on activity, children work with words that have multiple meanings and create a "data portfolio" for each meaning, including a text description, picture, features, and sounds. They discuss how data can be diverse and how robots and artificial intelligence work with it. The lesson ends with a summary of the findings and reflection, where the children realize the importance of the cloud and how important data is for machine learning and human decision making.

Information about lessons

Subsidies and years

45-90 minutes, grades 3-5 Elementary school


Teacher: printed worksheet and presentation to show
Students: writing utensils

Building stones

Data, cloud

What pupils learn

The cloud is a place on the internet where we can store things like pictures, videos and documents instead of just having them on our computer or phone.

Why is it taught

Based on their knowledge of the types of data and how to share it, they operate age-appropriate digital devices.

How do we know if they've learned

They name the types of data and explain the concept of cloud in their own words.

Outputs of the RVP

Data, Information, and Modeling
I-5-1-01 gives examples of data that surrounds him/her and that can help him/her make better decisions; articulates responses based on data

Digital competences

Information and communication - acquires, retrieves, critically assesses, manages and shares data, information and digital content, and to do so chooses processes, methods and means that are appropriate to the specific situation and purpose

Bloom's taxonomy

Comprehension: Students explain the concept of cloud and describe different types of data to demonstrate understanding of the basic concepts associated with data.
Application: Students apply their knowledge of data by collecting and creating examples of data in two forms based on a selected word.
Analysis: Students analyze different forms of data associated with a selected word to identify their characteristics and connections between them.

Digital competences

3-C-II datasets (large datasets)
3-A-II natural language (language ambiguity)

Methodological material

Version: 06
Number of pilots: 03
Last update: 01/25

Author: Bára Karpíšková
Concept: Eva Nečasová
Guarantors: Cyril Brom, Zbyněk Filipi, Tomáš Mlynář, Pavel Kordík
Artwork: Jindra Janíček
Language correction: Marcela Wimmerová