Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools
Robots would like to clean their tin teeth, but they don't really know how to do it. Let's teach them! First, we'll show them the exact procedure (algorithm) and then we'll show them lots of examples from which they can learn it themselves (machine learning).
The lesson begins with an introductory story in which the robots Ju and Pi decide to learn how to brush their teeth, but soon discover that they are missing the exact procedure. The teacher leads a discussion about how humans perform everyday tasks and how we might describe them in a way that a robot can understand. The students then try to create an algorithm for brushing teeth - describing the steps the robot must perform. When testing the algorithm, children realise that some instructions may be too vague or misinterpreted. Then the concept of machine learning is introduced to the pupils - instead of describing the exact steps, the robots follow human examples and learn from them. In a group activity, children explore when it is more appropriate to use an algorithm and when machine learning. Finally, students discuss other examples of using machine learning in real life, and the lesson ends with a summary of their findings and reflection.
45-90 minutes, grades 3-5 Elementary school
Educator: presentation for screening, cut out pictures (you can laminate) from printable sheet (only need to do it once). Alternatively, you can bring a real toothbrush and toothpaste and not use paper models.
Students: writing utensils, worksheets
Algorithm, machine learning
Instead of describing a procedure to the machines (algorithm), we show them examples from which they learn how to perform specific tasks (machine learning).
Based on an understanding of the differences between the algorithmic approach and machine learning, determine which approach is more appropriate for the task at hand.
Explain the differences between the terms algorithm and machine learning.
Computer Science: Algorithmization and Programming
I-5-2-01 constructs and tests symbolic notations of procedures
I-5-2-04 verifies the correctness of the procedure or program he/she has designed, finds and corrects any errors in it
Information and communication - acquires, retrieves, critically assesses, manages and shares data, information and digital content, and to do so chooses processes, methods and means that are appropriate to the specific situation and purpose
Analysis: Students break the problem (tooth brushing) down into steps, identify errors in algorithms and suggest improvements.
Application: Students apply their knowledge practically to build an algorithm for tooth brushing by robots.
Creation: Students create their own algorithm and design a creative solution based on the problem.
3-A-I humans vs. machines