Artificial intelligence curriculum for primary and secondary schools

AI and the development of digital comptence

Art education II

Algorithmically invisible

Algorithmically invisible

In this lesson, we are looking at computer vision technology that allows computers to "see" like humans. Like any technology, this one, too, can be used for good or bad purposes. Using an activity inspired by artist Adam Harvey in the lesson, students learn how computer vision works and evaluate its effects.

Information about lessons


45-90 minutes

Vintages or preconceptions

8. and 9. Primary school grades and Secondary school grades


Educator: projection equipment, presentation
Students: Computer with camera, face paints, fabrics, papers, colored tape... anything the students can use to decorate their face or style their hair - hairspray, spray...

What pupils learn

Computer vision systems can recognize objects in images or video.
Computer vision systems can serve good purposes, but they can also be misused.

Why is it taught

Based on their understanding of how computer vision systems work, they critically assess their benefits and reflect on their risks.

How do we know if they've learned

They will explain how computer vision systems work and outline their benefits and risks to individuals and society.

Outputs of the RVP

 Outcomes of RVP ZV - Art education
VV-9-1-03 captures phenomena and processes in transformations and relationships; uses some methods applied in contemporary visual arts and digital media - computer graphics, photography, video, animation.

RVP Outcomes WV - Computer Science
I-9-4-05 can direct their actions to minimize the risk of data loss or misuse; describe the operation and discuss the limitations of security solutions.

RVP Outcomes G - Art
Recognizes the specificity of different visual pictorial sign systems and also consciously applies their means to create content in their own creation and interpretation.

RVP Outcomes G - Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology
Organizes data effectively and protects it against damage or misuse.

Bloom's taxonomy

Application: Students apply face recognition theory and design their own functional camouflage.
Analysis: They investigate how their designs affect the functionality of computer vision systems and identify key success or failure factors.
Creation: They create Computer Vision Dazzle camouflage.

Digital competences

Contribution and development

Five Big Ideas

5-A-II Ethical artificial intelligence (ethical design criteria).

Methodological material

Version: 04
Number of pilots: 04
Last update: 01/25

Author: Eva Nečasová
Expert guarantors: Pavel Kordík, Tomáš Mlynář
Language proofreading: Marcela Wimmerová